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new teeth < fun

Yep, less than fun. After two fairly sleepless nights, Eden finally got some good sleep last night. Which means so did Mom and Dad – thank goodness. Monday and Tuesday were pretty rough days around here. You have to feel so bad for her… not knowing why her mouth hurts, or why her nose keeps running like crazy, or why we keep trying to put icky-tasting stuff on her gums (they say baby orajel is strawberry flavored, but I don’t think so!! She gobbled down 4 strawberries with breakfast today, but the orajel gets a definite “no!” shake of the head.) So now Eden is taking a nap and hopefully will have a happier day today. Averhy is at school, on a field trip to the Marble Slab Creamery to enjoy some ice cream. I had hoped that Eden and I could go with her, but again… new teeth < fun …so naptime wins out.

by Allyson

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May 2, 2008 - 4:08 pm Randy - Such a mathy title. I love it. Sometimes it took two of us to get the Orajel in Gracie's mouth. Maddy thought it was strawberry jelly or something.

April 30, 2008 - 5:20 pm Mema - Can't wait to see her new teeth. Poor all of you during the teething days. For sure, no fun. And Averhy off enjoying ice cream. Papa will be so envious. See you soon, julie

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