Breakfast: 1 banana; 1 cheese stick; coffee (yep, ate breakfast in the van today…)
Lunch: leftover tilapia; leftover sweet potato; water; a spoonful of sunflower seed butter for dessert!
Snack: 1/2 banana; handful of pistachios; 2 slices of provolone cheese
Dinner: Italian beef with mozzarella cheese; fresh fruit (grapes, cantaloupe, pineapple); water
Bedtime snack: greek yogurt with blueberries drizzled with honey
2 lb. chuck roast (grass-fed beef)
1/2 jar pepperoncinis with juice
2 c. water
3 beef bouillion cubes
oregano, garlic salt, onion powder, pepper, basil to taste
Toss everything in a large crock-pot on low for 8 hours. Serve shredded, topped with mozzarella cheese.
by Allyson
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