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let’s talk…

Well, once again it has been over a month since my last post… and seeing as how this is supposed to supplement my scrapbooking… and the last scrapbook page I finished was for April… things are not looking good!

Anyway, some big changes around our house… Eden is starting to talk!  She can say “mama”, “dada”, “ba-bye”, “ha-yah” (hello), and I think I heard her attempt “kitty” yesterday.  She waves at everyone including the cat (too cute) and just last week started putting the toy phone up to her ear and saying “ha-yah” — which is how I know that means hi!  Plus, she knows the sign for “more”, which is very helpful at mealtimes. So much fun.

The recent snow has also been lots of fun.  Averhy and I built a snow princess, which (mostly) lasted through the rain and ice last week, until Averhy went out to play in the snow yesterday and pushed it over.  Time to build another! We are busy getting ready for Christmas around our house, and Averhy’s program at school will be this Weds, and her church program will be Sunday.  I’ll post some pics afterward.   Last week, aunt Amanda and her friend Kevin took Averhy to a movie at the movie theather!  Mr. Magorium’s Wonder Emporium… a big hit, and Amanda definitely qualifies as a cool aunt.  Tonight we’ll all go to the illini basketball game, so we continue to stay busy, busy, busy!

by Allyson

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December 18, 2007 - 9:26 am Randy - Post a picture of the church kids program if you don't mind. We will miss it since we will be back in Minnesota. Silly snowstorm!

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