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Averhy’s first sleepover




On Friday after school, Addi and Mikiah came over to play for the afternoon (Molly and I swap childcare once a week) and then Addi spent the night with us!  The girls were excited about their first sleepover, complete with all the fun things that a sleepover must include… a movie (Disney’s “Valiant” that we checked out from the library), pizza in the living room while watching the movie, popcorn for dessert, bedtime stories, sharing pj’s (since Addi forgot hers at home!), getting to whisper and giggle in Averhy’s big bed until about 9:30 before finally falling asleep.  And then of course at a sleepover you have to wake up early and start the day with cartoons and cereal…  fun times!  We’re already looking forward to next time!

by Allyson

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May 12, 2009 - 9:45 pm Sassy Britches - Hold the that cottage cheese and bananas with the pizza?! Ohhhh, such good unspoiled-by-commercialism-and-sleepover-stereotypes children those are. :)

May 10, 2009 - 8:54 pm Grandma - Averhy - what fun! Can you come here for a sleepover soon?

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