My girls just LOVE eating snow… and ice… and anything like that I suppose. When we went out to play in the snow last weekend (when the temps finally hit the 20’s and it almost felt like summer, compared to last week’s -11…) Averhy had a great time just running around making tracks and a snow angel, while Eden was content with shoving mitten-fuls of snow into her mouth… until she decided that she wanted to play on the neighbor’s snow-covered swingset. That was a bit more intimidating (as you can tell by her expression) so she went back to eating snow… So what do your kiddos love to do on snow days? (Remember, we’re still doing the comment contest…)
Jessica - There’s enough snow today for ice cream….take one big salad bowl of snow and add one can of sweetened condenced milk and a teaspoon of vanilla. Stir and let it melt slightly. Enjoy!
Allyson - Amanda – That’s funny she was scared of her boots! For the longest time, Averhy was scared of this toy ride-on train she had…
Jessica – I haven’t made snow ice cream yet with the girls – it never seems to snow enough at one time! But I do remember making it as a kid!
Jessica - Do you ever make snow ice cresm?
Amanda Doherty - These pictures are great! So bright. We haven’t had enough snow to play in, but we did actually get Maggie to put on her snow boots yesterday—she has been scared of them.