Monthly Archives: January 2010

giggles and pigtails | tolono child photographer
Golly, I miss this cutie pie!! Her family moved to Kansas a few months ago, and I was so glad when they came back forView full post »

yum, yum, yum | central illinois child photographer
I love first birthday sessions… especially ones that involve CAKE! This sweetheart simply devoured her littleView full post »

pretty professional | champaign headshot photographer
This fabulous gal is both pretty and professional, and will soon be making her mark in the world as a fantasticView full post »

how the time flies… | chicago children’s photographer
How can these darling kiddos be TWO years old already?? It seems like just last week that their mom and I were havingView full post »

bellies can be such fun | mahomet maternity photographer
It was such fun doing this maternity session last week, and what a cooperative big-brother-to-be! Great job!! It hasView full post »

new year, new baby! | champaign newborn photographer
What a darling new baby, and a sweet big sister! I can’t believe it has been almost 3 years since IView full post »

spring schedule is OPEN! | champaign-urbana child & family photographer
Just a little something yummy to look at on this chilly winter day… and also a nice way to announce that theView full post »